St Mary’s Church, Caldicot

NP26 4HN
Sunday Services
8am – Said Eucharist
1st Sunday – 3pm – All Age
All other Sundays – 11am – Holy Eucharist
Midweek Services
Tuesdays – 10am – Said Eucharist – Church Hall
There are two services each Sunday in Caldicot. A quiet reflective Eucharist at 8am and a sung Eucharist at 11am with music from a mixture of our worship band and organ led hymns. On the first Sunday of the month we have an All Age service at 3pm in place of our 11am Eucharist.
You can watch all of these services on our livestream.
We also gather in the church hall (just around the corner on Llanthony Close) every Tuesday for an informal Eucharist followed by refreshments.
Map & Accessibility
Parking – In the carpark for the church hall in nearby Llanthony Close.
Churchyard – There are steps up to the churchyard at the front, but level access at the rear.
Church – There is a step down into the nave from the west door (the usual entrance), but level access from the south porch. The church has chairs which can be moved for wheelchair users.
Toilets – There are toilet facilities in the nearby church hall.
‘Caldecot’ (cold shelter) is mentioned in the Domesday book of 1086. A charter of King John (1199 1215) refers to the church here. The church was built during that time by Augustinian canons from Llantony Secunda priory in Gloucester (founded by Milo Fitzwalter, Lord of Caldicot, constable of England) to replace the earlier church of St Bride which stood on this site before 900.
The canons built ‘Llantony Secunda Manor’ in Church Road. The church was built soon after Milo Fizwalter’s father constructed the keep of Caldicot castle (Castell Concuit) sometime before 1127.
This beautiful and ancient parish church of ‘our lady of Caldecot’ was enlarged in the 14th and 15th centuries and further restored in Victorian times. It contains Caldicot’s war memorials and its tenor bell, the oldest of a ring of eight, dates from 1450.
It has several stained glass windows of interest.
Copies of the booklet, ‘ST MARY THE VIRGIN PARISH CHURCH, CALDICOT’ by Canon Peter J S Edwards, giving a fuller history of the Church and its windows, can be obtained from the church.