Langstone Church

Church- NP18 2DS
Hall- NP18 2ND
Sunday Services
1st Sunday – 11am – Morning Worship (Village Hall)
The Church building is now closed and can no longer be used for services.
However we still gather on the first Sunday of the month at Langstone Village Hall for our Sunday Worship. This is a fairly informal service suitable for all ages and generally takes a seasonal theme (such as Harvest, Easter or Remembrance).
Maps & Accesibility
Village Hall
There is a small amount of parking alongside the hall and space to park along the road. The hall is fully wheelchair accessible and has accessible toilets.
Langstone church has no known patron saint – its dedication has been lost in the midst of time and all research to confirm the facts have proved fruitless. The church building dates from the 14th century, although it would appear that the nave was extended westwards (or perhaps partially rebuilt) in 1622. The differentiation between the stonework of the different ages can be clearly seen in the external walls of the nave. To commemorate this development the lintel above the west doorway was inscribed with the date ‘1622’, along with the names of the then bishop and churchwardens. The single bell also dates from 1622. However the tiny 14th century trefoil lancet window high in the west wall must therefore have been reset into the rebuilt wall.
The font is an 18th century replacement. The north chapel and the south vestry are 19thcentury additions at which time the east window was also replaced. Stained glass was added to this window in 1901 and shows from both the baptism and ascension of Christ. The attractive glass in the west lancet window is from 1964 and shows the virgin and child. The site to the south of the church was the location of an original ‘rectory’ and in 1850 was being used as a parish school.